
winter tree - color challenge JUGS211

Всем привет!
Hi everybody!

Сегодня я опять покажу зимнюю открытку. Вдохновением для нее опять послужила цветовая палитра и купленный в Мемуарисе сет штампов от Technique Tuesday.

В этот раз я использовала несколько техник - так что процесс творения был очень занимательным. Тут и эмбоссинг, и дистресс бекграунд, и открытка-окошко и как всегда немножко раскрашивания. Ствол дерева я покрыла глосси акцентами, а снежинки и детали "снежной шапки" - блестками от ренджер. Сами сугробы я сделала из flower soft белого цвета.Today I am going to show another winter card. I was inspired by awsome color pallete and a Technique Tuesday stamp set that I bought in Memuaris shop this weekend.
I used several technics this time - heat embossing, distress background, die-cuting a window, using acetate and some coloring as usual...so it was rather interesting to create this card. Also I covered trunk of the tree with glossy accents and snowflackes and some details of "snow cap" with Ranger stickles. To finish my card I use white flower soft to create snowdrifts.

А вот и сама палитра от замечательного блога "Just Us Girls" - JUGS211:
So here is color pallete itself from splendid "Just Us Girls" blog - JUGS211:

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5 комментариев:

  1. Gorgeous tree image and love the landscaping you created! Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls.

  2. Gorgeous tree image, and I love the way you have framed the card. It really is lovely! Thanks for joining us at Just Us Girls! I hope you will come back and play again.

  3. Gorgeous is right!!! Love your tree and the landscape!!! Stunning! Thanks for playing along with the JUGS girls and I!!!

  4. Gorgeous card, Dasha! Love how you've incorporated so many techniques.

    1. Shirley, thank you so much for noticing.:)
      I kind of in a winter mood right now...
