
Birthday Furry Mustache for my husband plus couple challenges.

Всем привет!
Hi everybody!

Сегодня я начинаю подготовку к дню рождения моего любимого мужа:)
В этом году почти у всех наших друзей родились детки...и собраться всем стало проблематично. Поэтому мы решили устроить нашему папе и его лучшим друзьям чисто мужскую вечеринку :) 
Today I began my preparation for birthday party of my beloved husband. :)
This year almost all our freinds became happy parents with their first children - so it seemed very difficult to us to gather everybody all together. That is why we decided to organise to our father and his best freinds  "Men only" party. :) 

Миша обожает русский бильярд - вот в него они родимый играть и будут. :))))
Misha adores russian billiards - so that what boys will be occupied with :)))

План у меня следующий...каждому участнику вечеринки достанется подарочный пакетик, в котором будут маленькие приятные мелочи для бильярда и пакетик с моим печеньем, украшенным глазурью (в виде нескольких бильярдных шаров). My plan is that every guy will receive a present beg with small but pleasant trifles for billiards and package my cookies decorated with glaze (as a billiards balls).

Общая тема вечеринки - пушистые усы. Классика! :)
Common theme of the party - furry mustache. Сlassic! :) 

Итак сегодня я начала с открытки имениннику!
So today I created card for birthday Man!

Я покрыла весь цилиндр glossy accent, используя кисточку. Таким образом я добилась интересной текстуры.
А надпись обвела черной ручкой с блестками, что придало пожеланию немножко праздничного сияния :)

I covered tall hat with glossy accent. I used brash for that so I can get interesting texture.
Also I covered the sentiment with the glitter pen - so now happy birthday wish has a nice shine. :)

Так же я хочу поучаствовать в челленджах от двух любимых блогов:
Also I would like to join challenges from two blogs that I'm SO fond of:

 2. -  Challenge - Week 46: FURRY

Пожелайте мне удачи! :)
Wish me luck! :)

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13 комментариев:

  1. Hahaha! I'm loving your take on this week's cue word! I was hoping someone would do this as I'd wanted to, but then discovered I had NO mustache images! Gasp!!! This is a perfect masculine card! :)
    Thanks so much for joining us at CASology this week!

    1. Melissa, thanks a lot for your cheering comment! :)

      I was not sure if the word "furry" applicable to the mustache in English in a same way as in Russian! I am so glad that it works! :)))

      Also I would like to thank you for the great work you and your team is doing! I find your blog extramly inspiring!

  2. This is very cool! I really like your background too!

  3. What a fun take on the challenge and your cad is so fun too, great technique with the Glossy Accents. Thank you so much for sharing with us this week at CASology!

  4. This is a really fun and original idea for Furry! I love your shiny top hat, too! Thanks so much for playing along with us at CASology this week!

  5. Fabulous card and I laughed out loud when you linked it up for CASology as well under Furry! So Funny and clever! Great masculine card for our challenge over at CAS on Sunday! Love all the Chevron!

    1. Nancy, thanks a lot for your comment.
      I'm glaf that I cheered you up!
      have a great day :)

  6. haha, I never would have thought to use a mustasche, but that is just perfect and a creative approach to the Cue Card. Thanks for playing along at CASology this week!

    1. Maureen, thanks a lot for your comment. :)
      I'm glad that my card made you smile.

  7. I love your card! Thank you for joining our challenge at CAS on Sunday!
    Mariken xx
